Art of Seasonal Camping – Episode 1

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Art of Seasonal Camping

Staying Put: The Art of Seasonal Camping

Making the decision… Should we or should we not choose seasonal camping?


It is definitely not easy to make a decision like this. It’s so much easier to decide what to have for lunch, what to watch on TV, or what campground to book for the long weekend. When it comes to committing to putting your RV in a single campground for the entire season… things get real.


In this inaugural blog, my goal is to share a strategy that I used to help make such an important decision. I will also share a few considerations to start your own conversation.


Making the Big Decision


When making any “big” decision, I have always used a “Reasons to and Reasons not to” t-chart. It’s the logical, teacher side of me coming out. My apologies.  

T-Chart Ideas blank sheet
Click the image to print or download the T- Chart

To make a t-chart, at the top of a sheet of paper, write and underline the words Seasonal Camping. Below this title, split the page in half with another line vertically. Now, on one side of the page, brainstorm and write down all of the reasons in favor of seasonal camping. Then, on the other side of the t-chart, list the reasons why seasonal camping may not be good for you. To have success with this activity, you really need to get as many “reasons” on each side as possible. If you are already leaning toward one option, it is sometimes hard to think of reasons for the other side. But this is an important part of the process.

T-Chart with suggestions checks and xs - Ideas
Click to read some examples of Reasons to and not to be a Seasonal Camper

So let’s say you decide to go seasonal. Congratulations! But, what is next?


What are you getting yourself into?


Twenty years ago, our family made the decision to begin seasonal camping.  We were weekend camping. With a young family, outrageous fuel prices, the hassle of trying to get sites at the places we wanted to go, and the stress of packing, hauling, unpacking – sometimes in the pouring rain – no longer appealed to us.


So the search began.  


Since then, and over the years, we’ve been at two seasonal campgrounds. The first location was for about six years and our current one for fifteen. And…we have absolutely loved it!


What are the possibilities?


Initially, our family thought our t-chart of “reasons not to” related to weekend camping would be the only “reasons to” choose seasonal camping. Our decision has become much, much more than trying to deal with weekend camping issues. We have found having close proximity to our home, a lake, safe spaces to let our kids actually “old-school” play with only seeing them when they are hungry, and the lifetime friends that we have gained quickly became the “reasons to” for us to seasonal camp.


What’s coming up


I have been asked to share “all things seasonal camping” over a series of blogs for RV City. With my experience of nearly 30 years in the RV lifestyle, 21 years seasonally, I plan to share general tips, my thoughts on equipment, some “why did I do that?” moments, and all sorts of general life lessons as a seasonal camper.


I’ve also been fortunate to be part of the Jayco family for 30 years, so I am hoping to share my experience and expertise to help those considering seasonal camping as well as those who have already made the leap.


Happy Camping!


Art of Seasonal Camping - RV City Blog

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