One Motorhome and 96 National Parks

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Have you ever imagined hitting the open road and travelling across Canada? Well, for one Canadian family, that dream become a reality. In a post on Reddit, user ShaZamworX shared an image and the incredible story of his family of five. They started collecting Parks Canada Xplorer tags, where you receive a tag each time you visit a Canadian National Park, in 2015. Traveling in their motorhome during the summer months, this Canada-trotting family has collected all of the tags by visiting 96 National Parks and Historic sites.


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592 points·1 day ago

Our family of 5 started collecting the Parks Canada Xplorer tags in 2015 and used the program to help us explore Canada. Travelling in our motorhome over the summers we visited 96 National Parks and Historic sites where the kids and us learned about the historical or geographic significance of select locations locations through a fun activity book. From the first one at Cape Breton Highlands to the last at L’Anse Aux Meadows on July 19th, we met a ton of passional Parks Canada folks, learned more about our history, and gained a profound appreciation for just how BIG Canada is! Here we are at Grand Pré NHS a few weeks ago, getting close to wrapping up.

Impressive, right?

Travelling with children, especially when they are young, can be challenging. However, no matter your age, there are many benefits to hitting the open road.

Travel can help children become flexible and adaptable. Life on the road is full of the unexpected and often lessons learned while travelling can’t be taught in schools. Travel instills a sense of adventure and enhances children’s innate curiosity. It also encourages children, and individuals of any age, to try new things and move outside of their comfort zone. A love for geography and the world is also strengthened when travelling with children.

“The kids and us learned about the historical or geographical significance of select lcations. From the first one at Cape Breton Highlands to the last at L’Anse Aux Meadows on July 19th, we met a ton of passionate Parks Canada folks, learned more about our history and gained a profound appreciation for just how BIG Canada is!”

u/shaZamworX Via Reddit

The Parks Canada Xplorer program was an activity that began as a way to keep their children interested and entertained. However, it quickly became a way to map their route…and what a route is has been!

On July 19th, the family earned their final tag, which is not easy task considering the amount of distance they covered.

Even though they are settling back into a new “normal” the memories and experiences they gained will surely last a lifetime.

“There are many world schooling and digitally nomadic families on the road now globally. It’s a massive community with wonderful tips about whereto live and travel, and how to school or locally enroll your kids where you are.”

u/Vworx Via Reddit

The beauty of Canada is limitless, and this family has shown that a road trip (no matter the distance), exploring what our gorgeous country has to offer, is well worth the effort.

Would you love to set out on an adventure like this family? How many tags do you think you could collect? Is life on the open road something you dream about? We would love to hear your thoughts.

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